Fraser's Hill Kedah Pegawai Perdagangan ~ Earlier when winding up for his ministry at the assembly, he said the research is being conducted by a state-owned company, CRAUN Research Sdn Bhd, to diversify sago products and to provide an opportunity to address food security.

    Fraser's Hill Kedah Pegawai Perdagangan ~ Earlier when winding up for his ministry at the assembly, he said the research is being conducted by a state-owned company, CRAUN Research Sdn Bhd, to diversify sago products and to provide an opportunity to address food security.

    05/06/2024 12:20:18(Kedah Pegawai Perdagangan)

    Kedah Pegawai Perdagangan ~ Earlier when winding up for his ministry at the assembly, he said the research is being conducted by a state-owned company, CRAUN Research Sdn Bhd, to diversify sago products and to provide an opportunity to address food security. Kelemak mencari wang Mohamad Fazli also said the ART would cover approximately 90% of Iskandar Malaysia and will be equipped with a public transport system such as buses to connect the stations.

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